I finally downloaded all the pictures off my phone from the last few months. Here are some worth sharing.

They've both really gotten into Batman and all super heroes lately and frequently wear their matching Superman/Supergirl shirts or Batman/Batgirl shirts.

I loved their quiet contentment on the swings this day at Lake Willastein.

Entertaining themselves while I shopped for cowboy boots.

Ice cream sundaes in the park! They're sitting with our friends Danny and Drew Mayer.

Rex and I at the Tim McGraw concert.

Silly Trippers! He looked so ridiculous that I laughed until tears came to my eyes. Just one of those moments.

Heil, Ruby!! This was a marker mishap that cracked me up..... but then Trip wanted a mustache too so I made him Mayor of Munchkinland.

"Look Mommy, I'm a walrus!" Nice to see that Trip's putting his creativity and Tinkertoys to good use.

Just took these at the zoo on Monday where we had several close encounters. Love Ruby's expression above. The "sweet" lion later tried to take Ruby's head off through the glass......Mom, can you believe we're getting a 3rd summer's wear out of that outfit on Ruby?