Sunday, October 11, 2009 Rex ran his first marathon along with several others from Crosswalk. The journey started when our friend and Crosswalk youth minister, BJ, went to Chicago for a youth ministry conference in April and learned about how you could raise money for the
World Vision organization by running the Chicago marathon. He came home and recruited Rex and four others from church to run. By the way, if you'd like to sponsor Rex and donate to World Vision, go to

Friday night at the dinner for the World Vision team. 1200 people ran the marathon in support of World Vision (there were 47,000 registered runners!!)

They had to get a picture in front of this sign at the Marathon Expo on Saturday.

Brett, Barry, and Abby Fielder, BJ Arnold, and Rex the morning of the race. This was around 5:15 a.m. and the temp. was in the mid 30s.

on the train, headed downtown for the race

The crowd was incredible! We found a great spot on the Randolph bridge to watch the start of the race. At the bottom of this post is a video that shows just how many people were running.

Terry Fielder (above) along with Alex Cone were my race-watching buddies.

See Rexy? I believe this was around mile 12. I also got to see him at the start and around mile 2 or 3.

I saw Rex again in Chinatown around mile 21.

This is just one example of the many crazy, yet inspiring runners that we saw. These guys were doing this for some type of cancer awareness. There was also a guy running in full army fatigues with a 100 lb. pack on his back! I also saw a man from Italy who was running at a quick pace (I think he was in the 4 hr. pace group) with 1 leg and crutches! Incredible!

This was about as close as we could get to the finish line.

Yeah, Rexy! I'm so proud of you!

Rex with his marathon buddy, Barry Fielder. They stayed together every step of the way and finished in 5 hrs. 27 minutes.

Proud of my marathon man!

Rex is sore but thinks he'll definitely do another one and hopefully someday qualify for Boston. I might even join in on the fun! ...... If you want to see photos of Rex taken by the Marathon Photo team go to
www.marathonfoto.com "view and order photos", then choose Chicago Marathon 2009, type his name and bib number 35714.