This Thursday, July 22, Trip will have a barium swallow test done at ACH. Lately, he's been coughing and clearing his throat some when drinking liquids, which can be an early sign of dysphagia (swallowing problems). He's been drinking less and sometimes just refuses to drink anything. Dysphagia is a somewhat common problem in JDM patients when the muscles involved with swallowing start to weaken. Given that we already know that he has weakness in his neck, it makes sense that there might be weakness in the muscles inside the neck and throat. It's also necessary that he do a barium test so that we can know if there are any problems that could affect anesthesia next week. He has recently had a little bit of a head cold so there is a possibility (and we do hope) that this is all related to drainage and actually not dysphagia. But, again, the good news is, if he is suffering from dysphagia it should quickly be resolved once he begins steroid treatment.
And speaking of beginning treatment, here's the current plan (I'm 95% sure that this is how it will go. I should get a call tomorrow from Pachman's office confirming this): We're planning to drive to Chicago this Saturday, 7/24, so we can have Sunday to have some family time and enjoy the city- visit the Shedd Aquarium, Lincoln Park Zoo, etc. And, yes, Ruby is going with us. Monday may be a long day for her but the daily infusions aren't going to take as long as we originally thought. On Monday, Trip will be put completely under with full anesthesia (not just conscious sedation like the last MRI) and have an MRI which will immediately be read. Then they can do the muscle biopsy and port placement while he's anesthetized.
After surgery on Monday he will likely go on and get his first SoluMedrol (an intravenous corticosteroid) infusion. There is a downside to getting his first infusion right away. I'm not sure why this is, but the way the port works, if you don't immediately access it within the first 24 hrs. after surgery (which Pachman doesn't recommend doing) you have to wait a week to access it. So, even though he'll then have a port, he'll have to get those first 3 infusions the old school way. I'm hoping that they can use the IV placement from the surgery and maybe even just tape it down when we leave the hospital each day, so he doesn't have to get repoked each day. If not, he can just get the EMLA (numbing) patch pre-poke even though poor little man is going to be awfully tired of needles coming at him. He'll get the 2nd dose on Tuesday, 3rd dose on Wednesday, and we'll drive home afterwards on Wednesday or Thursday.
The infusions should take about an hour, so that's why we're going to go on and take Ruby. I've heard of some JDM patients taking IVmeds that took 6 plus hours so I feared that that was what he was getting at first. That would've been way too long of a day for Ruby day after day. We pray that the side effects from the meds will be minimal and Trip will feel up to doing a few fun things in Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday. We'll just have to play that by ear. The most common quick side effects of the SoluMedrol are a severe metallic taste, headaches, and anxiety and mood swings. I've heard some people call it "PMS in a bag!" Yikes!
I think the current health prayers for Trip are pretty self-explanantory: that he will have a successful surgery on Monday with little discomfort to him, and that the infusions will be affective with little to no side effects.....and safe travels for us as we make the 20+ hour round trip car drive yet again! And thank you God that the air conditioner on our van went out last week, so that we could get it fixed, and not next week during the Chicago trip. That would've been horrible!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A Lot to Swallow
Ice Cream Truck!!
Ruby's (and Trip's) Special Day
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Chicago Update
Happy Birthday, America!

Farewell, Avery
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday, Beautiful Girl
I can't believe that it was 5 years ago today when I suddenly leapt out of bed around 8:30 a.m. when my water suddenly broke. Rex says, "Are you sure? Really?"....."uh, yes. I'm sure. Urine didn't suddenly just gush from me in my sleep." It was a Friday and Rex hadn't gone to work yet because I had been having some inconsistent contractions and suspected that it might be the big day. She was due July 5th and my doc was planning to induce the next week if I didn't have her over the weekend. Ruby Sheaffer Reeves graced our world that night around 8:30 p.m. and our world has never been the same..........Above, Ruby is enjoying her birthday morning surprise, a My Little Pony nursery set. She had to arrange them just right for the photo.

A "Toy Story 3" Birthday
Sunday, July 4, 2010
An Update on Trip
Last Thursday evening, after the official diagnosis had been made, I joined the parent's discussion board on and spent hours just reading about other parent's stories and questions and answers between parents of kids with dermatomyositis (from this point forward I will be abbreviating this to JDM. Schwew! That word is a doozie!). What I consistently saw were parents recommending to other parents that they should take their child to see Dr. Lauren Pachman in Chicago. Some even said things like, "We wish we had seen Dr. Pachman sooner. Her treatment plan quickly changed the course of the disease and our child may not have had to suffer so long had we gone sooner." I shared this with Rex and we both agreed that we should go on and try to get an appt. for Trip in Chicago- not only for Trip's sake but for us as his parents. We could have the peace of mind knowing that he was seeing the expert and would be getting the best possible care.
Because the disease is so rare, there aren't many doctors who have a lot of experience with it. I think our pediatric rheumatologist here at Arkansas Children's Hospital is doing the best he knows how to do with the limited experience that he's had with JDM. I haven't asked how many JDM patients he has yet, but I'm guessing that it couldn't be more than a handful or 2. Dr. Pachman is one of the world's foremost researchers and top experts on this disease. Her practice is dedicated to JDM children and she has seen hundreds of these patients.
So, the next morning (Friday, June 25th) I called Dr. Pachman's office in Chicago to make an appt. for Trip, explaining that he was a newly diagnosed JDM patient. They penciled him in for July 19th while they started the process of getting copies of all of his records from ACH. The following Tuesday morning (June 29th) I got a call from Pachman's nurse just saying that they had received Trip's records (kudos to ACH for that speed!) and needed to ask me a few questions before they confirmed the appt. In my conversation with the nurse I discovered a couple of things that made me a little uneasy about our current plan of treatment with Dr. Dare. First, we chatted about Trip's MRI. I said that it was normal accept for some findings in his buttocks that my dr. didn't think were of any significance. He said that something in the legs would be consistent with JDM. She explained that that was actually what they were looking for on the MRI- a symmetrical abnormality in either the leg or buttocks. Hmm? (I've since then gotten the CD of the MRI and the finding in his butt is on both sides) Then I asked her if I should continue to give Trip the Plaquenil or hold off until we saw Pachman in a few weeks. She said, "just Plaquenil? I've never heard of a patient only being on Plaquenil." Ok. I began to slightly panic. Clearly, our current plan of action wasn't aggressive enough but I didn't want to contact Dare with my concern. I wanted Pachman to be the one to decide how to treat Trip. I decided that all we could do was pray that his condition didn't worsen before the 19th.
Then, 5 minutes later I got another call from Pachman's office in Chicago wanting to know if we could be there next week, July 7th (they're only in clinic on Mons & Weds, completely booked on the 30th, closed for the holiday on the 5th). Dr. Ibarra, the fellow, had just reviewed Trip's case, and thinks he should be seen ASAP. She said that this disease has been brewing in him for quite some time and that he should've been diagnosed months ago. Also, that she wasn't comfortable at all with him only being on Plaquenil. Thanks God! Someone that recognizes a real problem and wants to proactively do something about it!
Meanwhile, I've been reading the book "Myositis and You: A Guide to Juvenile Dermatomyositis for Patients, Parents, and Healthcare Providers" partially written by Dr. Pachman. A sentence in the book jumped out at me last night: "Skin disease in JDM is associated with inflammation of blood vessels and should be treated as aggressively as muscle weakness with both systematic medication and topical agents." From reading this book I've gathered that he'll probably be put on an intravenous corticosteroid and methotrexate as this seems to be the preferred treatment at diagnosis. They may want to put in a port-a-catheter to make administering these drugs easier since he is so young. I'll update after we see Pachman on Wednesday..... as of now, not sure how we're getting there. Round-trip plane ticks to Chicago are now $500+/person. We may be making a quick 2 day haul to and from Chicago via Honda Odyssey. Ugh!