Sunday, March 30, 2008
At the zoo with Olivia
Easter Weekend
These pictures are not in the order that I was hoping for....... does anyone know how to rearrange the photos in a post after you've uploaded them to Blogger? Anyway, Saturday night before Easter, Somer told me that Vivian had left out some Cheetos and ketchup for the Easter Bunny so I thought we should leave a snack for him as well. Ruby stuck with the more traditional bunny food of carrots and strawberries.
The Easter Bunny decided to skip the candy this year. Fortunately Ruby didn't notice and was thrilled with the Fancy Nancy doll, book, Little Mermaid movie, and new Crocs for summer (they also have Little Mermaid and Cinderella jibbitz on them which were a major hit with Ruby). In fact, Ruby came running into our room around 4:30 am saying, "Mommy, Daddy, I got new Crocs! The Easter bunny brought me Crocs!"....... Trip's "basket" is explained in the previous "Trip's Tonka" post.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Trip's Tonka
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Coloring Easter Eggs
While Trip was napping (or atleast supposed to be napping- he doesn't feel good and has refused to go to sleep today), Ruby colored Easter eggs for the 1st time. I didn't want her to handle the dye on her own for fear of a major disaster so she colored them with crayons before I dropped them in the dye. When they were dry she put some stickers on them. I actually enjoyed it too. The smell of the vinegar and the sound of the color tablets fizzing was very nostalgic. Only 3 cracked eggs later, we have some colorful eggs for our Easter centerpiece.
Ruby's Sugar Cookies
Friday, March 14, 2008
A visit to the park
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Return of the Blog
I'm baaaack! I have no clue what got into me tonight but I suddenly just decided to sit down and get caught up on this thing. I must say, I didn't enjoy it, so let's hope that it won't be another 6 months before I make another post. When I downloaded the new template it erased all of my links so please be sure to leave a comment so I'll have your blog address.
The Memphis Zoo
This week we went to Memphis to attend the funeral of my Grandad's sweet wife, Ms. Ludie. She was a wonderful Christian lady and she will be missed. I'll never forget how much food she would cook when we'd come over for a visit. We'd take bets before we got there on how many different vegetables she'd have made!.......... The following day we went with YaYa to the zoo. It was Trip's 1st time to the zoo since he's been big enough to have a clue as to what was going on. It was also his 1st time to ride a carousel. In Ruby's world it is a sin to not ride a carousel if you see one. Mom and I were pleased that Ruby was content to ride it once and didn't have a breakdown when it was over. We had a good time overall but it was pretty hot and crowded so we didn't stay very long............... Oh, and while I was there I ran into my 1-semester roommate at Harding, Cassie Cummings. We didn't get to talk much because she was on her way out and her boys were worn out but it was nice to see her.
The Mullet Removal
Snow Day
This was Trip's 1st snow and Ruby's 1st time to really play in the snow. We finally got to get out those snow boards my mom got us years ago and we found a great use for our sloped yard. Rex, April, and I secretly wished that the kids would go inside and let us have the sleds to ourselves. I felt like a kid again!
February 2008
I have so many pics of Trip's big grin that it's hard to narrow it down to a few. I liked that 1st picture so much that I had it made into a custom stamp for his birthday party invitation.
We have really been enjoying gettnig to know our neighbors from across the street, the Brzezinski's. Gavin is ALL BOY and is getting me prepped for Trip. This night, Gavin and Ruby decided to have an apple juice spitting war. Fortunately they had already taken their clothes off for some reason so I just had to mop the floor.
October-December 2007
Ruby LOVES her Dora vanity! She calls is her banity.
There's October-December '07 in a very tiny nutshell..... For Halloween T&R were going to be matching dinosaurs but Ruby wanted nothing to do with the dino costume. She looked equally cute as a Razorback cheerleader.