Check out the adorable Max & Ruby cake that my mom made. Ruby loved it and it was mighty tasty!! Thank you YaYa!
Here is my mom with Trip.
It seems that I got lots of good pictures of everyone but the birthday girl! To the left is my dear friend, Somer and her CUTE little girl and Ruby's best friend, Vivian. Though I think she looks absolutely beautiful, I know Somer would want me to make it known that she is 8+ months pregnant. Baby Bauer, who is destined to be Trip's best buddy, will be arriving soon.
All the guys seemed to enjoy just hanging out in the kitchen. Up above is my handsome brother, Jeremy, then my Dad (D-Daddy), Rex's Dad (Pappaw), Rex's brother, Cash, and of course, Rex.
We are a blessed family of four in Arkansas that loves God and is trying to do His will as we raise our children and go through this thing called life. This blog is primarily to keep the grandparents happy and up-to-date on all the latest with their babies but we welcome any friends and family to take a look. Posts are authored by me, Stephanie.
we had a wonderful time...and i love the picture of the family!
We had such a joyous time with all of you Sunday. It is hard to believe Ruby is already 2. Where does the time go?
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