We saw Santa at Park Plaza mall tonight. Ruby and Trip were both happy to sit in his lap even though Trip was just wanting to get it over with so we could go eat. Ruby told him that she wanted MORE Barbies. Yippee!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Santa 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Candy Land
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Gingerbread Houses
Monday, December 8, 2008
Holiday Lights 2008
Saturday night we bundled the kids up in their Christmas pajamas and went to see the holiday lights at Burns Park and Sherwood. Ruby pointed out the several "tivities (nativities)" and surprised us when she also spotted "Bethlehem." Trip who is talking nonstop these days was pointing out everything and loved the "choo choo train." He also constantly tells us that "it's dark out there." If you haven't been to see lights yet, I recommend Sherwood over NLR. It's free, a better display, and you get free full-size candy canes! But, $5 a car at Burns Park isn't bad for some easy kid-friendly entertainment either.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Elf on the Shelf
Sunday night, we introduced the kids to our new book "Elf on the Shelf." If your not familiar with this book, in a nutshell, the elf is Santa's helper who reports back to Santa every night how the children are behaving. Every night the elf flies away to the North Pole to see Santa and reappears the next morning in a new place in the house. Each family names their elf and Ruby decided on the classic name "Dwayne" for our elf. When I finished reading the book, Ruby gave Rex and I a look that said, "Yeah, right." I don't think little smarty pants is buying it but we're going to milk it as long as possible. =)
Thanx 2008
We went to Heber Springs on Thursday and had Thanksgiving with Rex's family. 1st we went to Memaw Decker's (Rex's mom's mom) and Ruby had fun hanging out with her cousin, Waverlee, and Trip rocked out on RockBand. That night we headed to Mammaw Jessie's (Rex's Dad's mom) and soon after we got there Uncle Robert (Rex's Dad's brother) showed up with a deer and the men just had to include Trip in on the celebratory action. I tried to edit out the bloody deer carcass. Thank you, Rexy, for not hunting anymore!! Ick!!
Scarecrow Outfits
A couple of weeks ago we met the Days at the Museum of Discovery for a play date. Ruby and Trip wore the matching scarecrow outfits that belonged to me and Jeremy. I tried several times to get a good photo of them together but just getting them in the same frame was a challenge. Thanks for the outfits YaYa!