Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Yellow St. Patrick's Day

Today the kids and I took our annual trip to the Wye Mountain Daffodil Festival. It was a very pleasant day, even though I am disappointed in the pictures- 90 photos and these were the best I could get!

We enjoyed a picnic lunch of butterfly shaped sandwiches under the big tree.
.......... This picnic blanket was the only way Ruby would sit down. She was a total diva and refused to sit on the grass to have her picture made.

This sums up Trip's cooperation for having his picture taken today. I also have a couple of pics with a finger up his nose. He's definitely becoming a true 2 yr. old boy.

We ended our day with a 1st time trip to the new Maggie Moo's. Ruby picked strawberry with white chocolate chips and Trip had banana (it was real banana not the fakey stuff) with marshmallows which was yum. I had red velvet with brownies that was absolutely sinful!............ and to make our already great day even better, Rex just called at 4:20 to say he was on his way home! Rexy home before 6:30- WOW!!


the day's said...

i swear those girls were seperated at birth....vivian was SUCH a diva when we were there!! she kept saying the grass was scratchy and "icky". puhhhhleeeeease...

Covered In Crafts said...

They are so adorable! We didn't make it to Wye this year. We went down to Garven Garden (Hot Springs) the tulips were amazing. :)