Thursday, January 22, 2009

Best Zoo Day Ever

Yesterday Trip had a bad cough and low-grade fever so I planned to keep him home from MDO today. When one stays home, they both do, because I don't think having one helps me much. Well, he seemed to feel fine on into the morning so it seemed a shame to stay at home all day during the 1 warm day of the week or maybe month. We went to the zoo with our new annual pass and had the best time. Almost every animal was out and about and seemed more than happy to let us get a good look.

Trip called these the "tinky mingoes" (stinky flamingoes).

Trip was way too into the train to turn around for a photo opp. Hopefully it will be open to ride next time.
Every time I would say that an animal was sleeping, Trip would hold up his finger and say, "Shhh!" (I promise that is his pointer finger.)

This was the 1st time I'd seen the bush dogs out and they were sooo cute. If I imitated their chirping sound, he would echo me everytime. I think this one wanted to go home with us.