Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trip Counts (for grandparents only)

This video is 4 minutes long so it's probably a little boring to most. This afternoon I discovered that Trip can count better than I realized. We just recently started working on 1,2,3 but today I overheard him trying to count his toy green beans. So cute!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Be My Valentine

Check out that concentration. She focuses with her tongue like me.
Tonight Ruby signed Valentines from her and Trip for their friends at MDO tomorrow. It's endearing how excited kids get over a 4 in. piece of cardstock with a picture of one of their fave characters on it. i.e. Barbie and Thomas. Maybe I'll send my friends a Valentine with a picture of my favorite characters. Well, I guess my favorite characters would be Ruby and Trip........ and Rex! That's it!! I'm going to send a Valentine to everyone with a picture of Rex! Hee Hee. That would be GREAT!!

The Helpful Sister

Ruby "helps" Trip with his butterscotch pudding. What a "helpful" big sister!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Canaan & Macy

Yesterday afternoon, Amy called and asked if Canaan and Macy could hang with us today because her babysitter fell through. The rainy weather made for a perfect day for staying inside and catching up with old friends. At first, Ruby and Canaan had a tough time finding something to play that interested both of them. Ruby wanted to play house or Barbies and Canaan wanted to shoot baskets or play catch with the baseball. Finally, I remembered that Trip had a knight costume (thanks YaYa) and they played castle the rest of the afternoon. Canaan, You're supposed to save the princess not slay her!! =)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Rex the Pony

Friday was one of those nights when we just couldn't seem to get the kids moving to get ready for bed. Daddy offered a ride to the bathroom and suddenly getting their teeth brushed didn't sound so bad. Unfortunately, the pony ran out of steam just shy of the destination but the 20 ft. ride was still fun. Thanks, Daddy!

The Day's and the Dr.

Friday, we were just about to leave to meet the Day's at the zoo when Trip awoke from his nap with a 101.6 temp. and crying, "my ear! my ear!" which, thankfully, made it clear what the problem was. Somer and I hated to disappoint the girls by telling them at the last minute that they wouldn't be seeing each other so Som was kind enough to let Ruby tag along with them while I toted Trippy to the dr. As expected, both of Trip's ears were infected but, thanks to Somer, Vivian, and Bauer, the beautiful afternoon wasn't lost. As always, Ruby had a blast with Vivian. Thanks you so much, Sommy!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII Picnic

After a hectic weekend we decided to pass on the Crosswalk Super Bowl Party and have a quiet family party at home. I made up a tray of some kid-friendly junk food items and we had a picnic in front of the TV in the living room. We had chicken fries, pizza rolls, mozzarella sticks, Cheetohs and I threw in some grapes to keep from feeling completely guilty for giving my family junk. The kids even got the sugary Kool-Aid drinks that Ruby has often asked for when she spots them at the grocery store. Then we had Dibs (ice cream bites) for dessert. It was a really nice evening so we might make this a new family tradition. Back to the veggies tonight!

A Vivian Visit

Thursday after MDO we picked up Vivian and she spent the night and played with us on Friday. The girls were both soooooo excited they could hardly contain themselves! I just loved the sound of constant giggling in the house........ Vivian is crimping Ruby's hair. Check out those scrunchies! How do 3 yr. olds do the 80's so well?

All 3 kids slept together in Ruby's room. Luckily they had worn themselves out and went to sleep without much fuss.

The night was such a success that we've decided to make it a monthly event. Thanks Vivian for such a fun time! We love you!